
Pronunciation: Saw-ga
Saga’s name means the “seeing one” and she is the Asynjur goddess of poetry and history.
Saga is one of Frigga’s handmaidens. Saga is known to teach men the skills necessary to effectively utilize it in weaving the crafty spells which preserve the holy and living accounts of our Gods and folk. Her name is related to the Norse word saga, though not the same. She is mentioned in the poem Grímnismál and, briefly, in the Prose Edda. According to the poem, her hall is called Sökkvabekk, (“Sunken Benches”) and she and Odin drink out of golden cups there retelling old stories of glory. She, together with Odin, cares for writers. It has also been suggested that she might also be seen as the patron Goddess of Iceland, she certainly was the only one to bless that country for many years. It is fitting then that Saga has come to be the name of the ancient Icelandic prose work written in the period (roughly) between 1150 and 1400. The source of many of our stories of heroes, and most of our knowledge of Icelandic and Norwegian history.